Confessions of a skull-obsessed knitter

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Photography is not allowed

I seem to have one of those faces that suggests to authority figures that I'm going to be problematic.

I went to the Crafts Council on Friday, to see the newly-opened K2together exhibition , and had a security guard follow me around for most of my visit.

Perhaps she could see that I was wondering how I could smuggle out exhibits under my coat *joke*

I got asked why I was making notes on my Palm, and told not to take photos. The photo thing wouldn't have annoyed me so much, but there were loads of people using camera phones. Grrrrr

Anyway, the exhibition is 95% fantastic, and I don't think I can pick anyone's work out as being my favourite, although Kelly Jenkin's chat line ads and magazine problem page made me laugh for a good while.


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